The word “liberal” comes from the Latin “liber”, which means “free”. Today’s educational models are often based on a stressful process of testing and rushing students through materials – the goal is often only to pass the next test, and study for the next quiz. Increasingly, this model is leaving students behind. Special needs students are not being assisted to achieve their highest potential, and gifted students are disengaged.
Students are finishing high school far behind where they need to be. A 2017 Hechinger report states that 50-96% percent of students are unprepared for college and need remedial classes, at a cost of about $7 billion a year. The report also shows that 90% of special needs students should be able to graduate high school college or career ready, but only 65% even graduate on time with a college or career ready education.
The most common report from classical programs is that students discover the joy of learning and studies show that classically educated students outperform all other types of schools on standardized tests. The focus of a classical education is on the good, the true, and the beautiful. Students are taught to think for themselves, to develop a passion for learning and exploring, and to seek the truth, the goodness, and the beautiful in all their subjects.
Learn about the three parts of the classical model: The Trivium
A Catholic Classical Liberal Arts education goes one step further, and ensures that not only are students being formed academically, they are also being formed emotionally and spiritually, meaning that the whole person is being educated. At Koinonia Academy, the faith is a central part of every day, but with the new academic structure, KA will be able to also ensure academic rigor, and guide students in developing a love for learning, personal self-discipline, high moral standards and an appreciation and love for the good, the true and the beautiful in a welcoming, safe and supportive environment.
Please reach out to Mrs. Peach Smith, Curriculum Coordinator, with any questions: [email protected]